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Posted On: oct. 13, 2018
Categories: News
More than 10 years ago, the UN's food and agriculture agency (FAO) already considered the overfishing of certain fish species caught on the high seas to be "worrying" and called for more "precautionary" management to preserve stocks. Today, according to a WWF study, 90% of the world's fish stocks are overexploited or fully exploited. France currently consumes its annual fish quota in less than 6 months.
However, the ocean is a renewable resource capable of meeting the needs of all future generations if the pressures to which it is exposed are effectively mitigated. To achieve this, the actions to be taken are very diverse, complex to implement and involve an international commitment. However, as a consumer, we can contribute to the preservation of our fisheries resources through reasonable and committed consumption. We must be attentive to the species consumed and their origins. Needless to say, it is preferable to consume locally and in season!
To preserve our fishing resources and defend sustainable fishing, we invite you to discover the MSC label with which Friendly Frenchy is in contact. This independent non-profit NGO was co-founded in 1997 with WWF.
The MSC is the only certification and labelling programme for wild fish fisheries that meets the best practices required by the FAO and ISEAL, , the International Alliance for Social and Environmental Accreditation and Labelling.
This label guarantees you wild fish caught according to 3 principles:
1/ Responsible fishing that ensures the sustainability of fish populations for sustainable stocks in compliance with the laws in force
2/ Respect for the marine environment and the diversity of its ecosystem.
3/ Guaranteeing that responsible fishermen can continue to carry out their work.
MSC traceability applies to canned, frozen and fresh fish through this easily identifiable and visible pictogram.
By buying a product with the MSC label, you are helping to protect the health and resources of our oceans and encouraging fisheries, retailers and restaurants to promote sustainable seafood!
To find out more, a visit to their website will give you more details on their commitment and actionsMSC
Finally, we are pleased to invite you to participate in their contest until October 17, 2018 with Friendly Frenchy's Shell Sunglasses® to Win!
You can also consult the «"Guide to sustainable fish"» produced by the environmental NGO WWF France indicating for about fifteen fish which origins are to be favoured.
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